How to uninstall WSL on Windows 11
You can remove WSL from Windows 11. You need to uninstall the components in order – here's how.
You can remove WSL from Windows 11. You need to uninstall the components in order – here's how.
These are the two ways to reset Linux distros on WSL to fix problems or start over.
If WSL2 isn't working correctly or not for you, it's possible to uninstall it completely from Windows 10 – here's how.
You can install the Microsoft Edge browser on Linux distros using a graphical interface and commands, and here's how.
You can set any Linux distro as the default on Windows 11, and in this guide, you will learn how.
If you have multiple Linux distros on Windows 10, you can use these WSL commands to set the preferred one as the new default.
Microsoft Teams collaboration app is now available on Linux, and these are the steps to install it.
If you use WSL, you can use a couple of commands to shut down one or all Linux distros manually, and here's how.
You can easily determine the version of the Windows Subsystem for Linux version with this wsl.exe command.
You can use the Linux-based Gparted tool to resize, create, and delete partitions on Windows 11 as well as on Windows 10, and here's how.