Windows 11 downloads and installs updates automatically for many good reasons. For example, to improve performance and protect your computer and files from malware and hackers. However, the problem is that sometimes security and maintenance updates may release with compatibility issues and bugs that break features or affect performance.
Although updates are critical to the system, and it’s not a wise idea to disable the feature, you have at least two ways to block specific updates from downloading automatically on Windows 11 using the “Show or hide updates” tool or the PowerShell “PSWindosUpdate” module.
In this guide, you will learn two different ways to show or hide cumulative updates on Windows 11.
- Hide updates on Windows 11 from Troubleshooter
- Show updates on Windows 11 from Troubleshooter
- Hide updates on Windows 11 from PowerShell
- Show updates on Windows 11 from PowerShell
Hide updates on Windows 11 from Troubleshooter
To hide updates on Windows 11, use these steps:
Open the Microsoft Download Center page.
Save the wushowhide.diagcab file on the computer.
Double-click the “.diagcab” file to launch the “Show or hide updates troubleshooter” tool.
Click the Next button.
Click the Hide updates option.
Select the Windows 11 update to hide from the system.
Click the Next button.
Click the Close button.
Once you complete the steps, the update will disappear from Windows Update. However, when a newer version becomes available, Windows will automatically download and install it.
If the update is already installed, you first need to remove it and then block it. The option to uninstall updates is available on Settings > Windows Updates > Update history > Uninstall updates.
Show updates on Windows 11 from Troubleshooter
To make available a previously blocked update, use these steps:
Save the wushowhide.diagcab file on the computer.
Double-click the “.diagcab” file to launch the “Show or hide updates troubleshooter” tool.
Click the Next button.
Click the “Show hidden updates” option.
Select the update to make it available on Windows 11.
Click the Next button.
Click the Close button.
After you complete the steps, the package will once again be available on Windows 10.
Hide updates on Windows 11 from PowerShell
To hide an update on Windows 11 using PowerShell, use these steps:
Open Start.
Search for PowerShell, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
Type the following command to install the PowerShell module to update Windows 11 and press Enter:
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
Type the following command to allow the module to run in PowerShell and press Enter:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Type the following command to check for Windows 11 updates and press Enter:
Type the following command to select and block the update with PowerShell and press Enter:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KBNUMBER
In the command, make sure to replace KBNUMBER with the update number you want to block. This example blocks the KB5009469 update:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB5009469
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
(Optional) Type the following command to select and block update when the KB number is not available and press Enter:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -Title "UPDATE-TITLE"
In the command, replace UPDATE-TITLE with the update number to skip. You only need a part of the title to make it a match. This example blocks the “2021-05 Cumulative Update” package:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -Title "2022-01 Cumulative Update"
Type A to accept and install the module and press Enter.
Once you complete the steps, the PowerShell tool will block the update, preventing the system from downloading and installing it, and the status will appear with an H indicating that it is now hidden.
Show updates on Windows 11 from PowerShell
To show a Windows update with PowerShell commands, use these steps:
Open Start.
Search for PowerShell, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
Type the following command to install the update module and press Enter (if applicable):
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
Type the following command to check for Windows 11 updates with PowerShell and press Enter:
Type the following command to select and allow the update with PowerShell and press Enter:
Show-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KBNUMBER
In the command, replace KBNUMBER with the update number you want to unhide. This example blocks the KB5009469 update:
Show-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB5009469
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
(Optional) Type the following command to select and allow the update when the KB number is not available and press Enter:
Show-WindowsUpdate -Title "UPDATE-TITLE"
In the command, replace UPDATE-TITLE with the update number you want to install. You only need part of the title to make a match. This example blocks the “2021-05 Cumulative Update” package:
Show-WindowsUpdate -Title "2022-01 Cumulative Update"
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
After you complete the steps, the update will become available again on Windows 11.